
myCred WooCommerce Plus


Version 1.8


NEW – Added triggers for Automatewoo.

NEW – Added setting for the global reward, admin can choose reward based on cart total or subtotal.

TWEAK – Added checkbox for enable/disable product purchase condition in signup referral.

TWEAK – Depreciated the “Pay for Shipping” option from the partial payment module (only from “Coupons From Points”).

TWEAK – Depreciated the “Pay for Tax” option from the partial payment module.

TWEAK – Added support for partial payment in the Cart and Checkout Block.

FIX – Fixed JavaScript errors.

FIX – Fixed PHP warnings and notices.

FIX – In the WooCommerce tab “Points History” pagination was not working.

FIX – Resolved $meta_query override issue.

FIX – When paying with the points option enabled, the total amount on the cart page missing a currency sign.

FIX – Partial payment issues.

Version 1.7.5


Improvement – License System.

Version 1.7.4

NEW – On Signup referral users will get points after first order ( on any product, products except, selected products ).

NEW – Create wooCommerce coupon using points.

NEW – Added two new attributes “login_url” and “registration_url” in mycred_woocommerce_referral shortcode.

NEW – Added compatability with Custom Product Page development using Elemetor.

TWEAK – Added new settings for both partial payment and coupon to display on both cart-page and check-out page.

TWEAK – Added compatibility with Custom Product Page developed using Elemetor.

TWEAK – Updated WooCommerce deprecated functions.

TWEAK – On plugin activation added a check to see whether the myCred and wooCommerce plugins are intalled and activated.

FIX – Resolved the translation and localization issues.

FIX – Array error on the single product page.

FIX – Partial payment minimum amount wasn’t working with “Input Field”.

FIX – Partial Payment Points History on my account wasn’t working.

FIX – Single addon license issues.

FIX – On bulk action, Users were not receiving rewards.

FIX – Max limit being applied on users balance when the user’s balance is less than the order total.

FIX – Displaying singular name with plural points.

FIX – Variation selection not working on the single product page.

FIX – Partial payment refund.

Version 1.7.3

IMPROVEMENT – Speed Optimization

FIX – Security fixes

Version 1.7.2

NEW – Added support for WooCommerce Subscription.

NEW – Display Badges, rank, balance and level on my account page.

FIX – Display rewards on variable product page.

Version 1.7.1

FIX – Total amount vaule Issue on Checkout Page

FIX – Scripts and CSS Removing from entire site

FIX – My account particial payments history pagination

FIX – Replace WooCommerce depreciated function get_cart_discount_total with get_discount_total

FIX – Float values for percentage point calculation

Version 1.7.0

Added – Point Reward System on Cart Total.

Added – Points Earned In – Fixed, Percentage, Exchange Rate.

Version 1.6.6

Added – WooCommercer Affiliation/Refferal system.

FIX – User total balance not reflecting when points deducted through partial payment.

Version 1.6.5

NEW – Create Individual Option to show Reward Points on Single Product Page/Cart Page/Checkout Page.

Version 1.6.4

Improvement – License System.

Version 1.6.3

NEW – Added functionality to enable/disable partial paymment.

FIX – Fixed translation related issues.

Version 1.6.2

Improvement: Partial payment range and slider values show in number format.

Improvement: License related issues.

FIX: Badges and rank addon activate issue fixed.

Version 1.6.1

FIX: View details popup on plugins page.

FIX: License related issues.

Version 1.6

Improvement: Compatible with existing partial payment addon’s users

Version 1.5.3

We have introduced myCred WooCommerce Plus Addon which includes the functionality of WooCommerce – Partial Payment and some other amazing features.
If you are existing user of WooCommerce – Partial Payment Addon, there will be an update version 1.5.3 which will switch you automatically on myCred WooCommerce Plus.

Version 1.5.2

FIX – Remove warnings and errors

Version 1.5.1

Improvement – Upgrading License System

New – Tested UpTo WooCommerce 3.8.x

New – Tested UpTo WordPress 5.3 & Php 7.4

Version 1.5

FIX – Partial payment amount will not exceed the maximum amount.

FIX – Check for partial payment maximum limit on the server-side.

FIX – Set text-domain for translation.

Version 1.4

FIX – slider max limit issue fixed

Version 1.3

FIX – slider appearing issue.

FIX – Multiple refunds on same coupon.

FIX – Shipping fees added on the front end if paid.

Version 1.2

Added support for myCred 1.8 with backward compatibility.

Tested up to WordPress 5.0.2